
Territorial disease groups

It is usually possible to get a great deal of assistance and guidance by contacting the not-for-profit organization associated with your condition. Here is a list of the major groups in the Yukon.


Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP)

Yukon residents are covered for most medical care delivered by doctors and in hospitals by the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP). There are no premiums and the program covers any Canadian or landed immigrant who makes a permanent residence in Yukon and is present in the territory at least six months out of the calendar year. You can have your health care billed directly to YHCIP by presenting a valid Yukon Health Card.

What services are covered?

Seniors are eligible for extended health benefits through the Pharmacare program.

To register for YHCIP you must visit the Insured Health Services office at 204 Lambert Street (4th floor) in Whitehorse in person. Changes to your information or replacing lost cards can be done over the phone at (867) 667-5209 or toll-free at 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5209 (Yukon only). You can also apply for permission to retain your coverage for trips out of Yukon that are longer than six months.

YHCIP coverage outside Yukon

Any services that are covered by the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) in the Yukon are covered anywhere in Canada. If you present your Yukon Health Card, you will not be billed directly for any of these services. The exception is Quebec, where doctors have the option to bill you or to bill YHCIP. If you submit your bill from a Quebec doctor to YHCIP, you will be reimbursed. Please note that ambulance and air medevac services are not covered.

To claim your out-of-province health expenses, call Insured Health Services at (867) 667-5209 or toll-free at 1-800-661-0408, local 5209 (Yukon only).

YHCIP coverage outside Canada

The Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) covers emergency medical services outside Canada, but only at the rate that those services would be covered in the Yukon. In many cases, the actual bill will be much higher than what YHCIP will cover. It is strongly recommended that Yukon residents buy travel insurance for even short trips outside the country.

To claim your out-of-province health expenses, call Insured Health Services at (867) 667-5209 or toll-free at 1-800-661-0408, local 5209 (Yukon only).


If you are a Yukon resident over 65 and eligible for YHCIP, you are eligible to receive 100% coverage of your prescription drug costs through the Pharmacare program. If you present a valid Pharmacare card when you fill your prescription, Yukon pharmacists will bill Pharmacare directly.

Only prescription drugs appearing on the Yukon Formulary (requires Adobe Reader) are covered. If you have private drug coverage, you must use it first and submit only the remainder costs to Pharmacare.

You also receive Extended Health benefits through Pharmacare. These benefits cover the following:

  • medical supplies and equipment, including assistive devices
  • hearing aids
  • dental care, up to $1,400 every two years
  • up to $100 every two years for glasses

There may be co-payments for extended health services in some cases.

Find out more about Pharmacare.

Yukon Pharmacare and Extended Benefits Program
204 Lambert Street (4th floor)
Phone: (867) 667-5403
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5403 (Yukon only)

Allied health professionals

Most services from allied health professionals are not covered by the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) unless the service is provided in a hospital. Extended Health benefits do cover some dental and optical services.

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Cancer care

Cancer care in the Yukon is provided by the BC Cancer Agency, which operates four regional cancer centres and numerous prevention, treatment and education centres in British Columbia. The Agency offers some services in the Yukon through Whitehorse Hospital.

Whitehorse Hospital
5 Hospital Road
Whitehorse, YK
Y1A 3H7
Phone: (867) 393-8700
Fax: (867) 393-8771

Yukon cancer patients can receive extended health benefits through the Chronic Disease program. Prescription drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment can be covered in this way.

Chronic Disease Program
Health Services Branch
4th floor, Financial Plaza
204 Lambert St, Whitehorse
Phone: (867) 667-5092
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5092 (Yukon only)

Flu shot

See our Flu Vaccination Guide for information about seasonal flu vaccine availability by province or territory.

Mental health care

Care for mental health problems that may require medication and therefore the services of a psychiatrist is provided by Mental Health Services. Other non-acute mental health services, such as marital and addictions counselling, can often be handled by a psychologist and is usually referred to an agency specializing in the particular problem.

Mental health services in the Yukon are covered by YHCIP.

Phone: (867) 667-8346
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 8346 (Yukon only)

Palliative care

Palliative care is available for terminally ill people in the Yukon through the Home Care program. Palliative care drugs for seniors are covered by your Pharmacare extended health benefits. Find out more about Home Care.

Wait times

Of the various surgical procedures that have been identified as priorities for reducing waits, only knee replacements, cataract surgery, mammography and cervical screening take place in the Yukon. In every case, the Yukon is below national benchmarks for wait time, with patients rarely waiting more than four months for any procedure. All other procedures are performed in BC or Alberta, so the wait time information for those provinces should be used as a guideline for Yukoners.

See the article on wait times on this website for helpful advice and information on how to receive faster service for surgical procedures, certain diagnostic tests (such as an MRI) and appointments with a specialist doctor.

Workplace injuries

If you are injured at work in the Yukon, seek medical attention first. Then notify your employer of the injury and report it to the Yukon Workers' Compensation Health & Safety Board (YWCHSB) as soon as possible. For claims information call (867) 667-5645 or 1-800-661-0443. There is also a 24-hr serious injury reporting line at (867) 667-5450. To can fill out your injury report, print the document from here (requires Adobe Reader).

Telephone support

Yukon residents can access health advice and information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Yukon HealthLine. This telephone service connects you with highly trained registered nurses who can help you with your symptoms or health concerns simply by dialling 811.

Yukoners can have an appointment with a doctor, specialist or other health professional without having to leave their community using the Yukon Telehealth Network. To use the Network, contact the Yukon Telehealth Network Coordinator at (867) 667-8033 or e-mail: telehealth.coordinator@gov.yk.ca and make an appointment. To meet your appointment, you go to your local Community Health Centre and connect to your health professional over a videoconference link. Your doctor can ask and answer questions and visually examine you over the link and determine if a face-to-face meeting is necessary, or prescribe treatment then and there.


Assistive devices

The Yukon Department of Health & Social Services will provide assistive devices to people with a disability who are unable to afford them through the Community Adult Services Unit. You can contact the program at:

3168 3rd Ave.
Whitehorse, YK
Phone: (867) 667-5674
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5674 (Yukon only)
Fax: (867) 393-6278

Services for children and families of children with disabilities are provided through the Family Supports for Children with Disabilities program:

49B Waterfront Place
Whitehorse, YK, Y1A 6V1
Phone: (867) 393-7464
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408 extension 7464
Fax: (867) 667-7553

Contact and learn more about the Family Supports for Children with Disabilities program.

Employment support for people with disabilities

Yukon Health & Social Services can refer you to the programs for vocational rehabilitation, training and placements. These programs are provided by non-government organizations (NGO) that are contracted by the Department. In some cases, the NGO can provide a wage subsidy to employers. Visit the website.

Community Adult Services Unit
3168 3rd Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon
Phone: (867) 667-5674
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5674
Fax: (867) 393-6278

Financial support for people with disabilities

Adults with a disability can receive supplemental health benefits and rehabilitation allowances if they are participating in programs that assist them to find employment. If you are unable to work because of a severe long-term disability, you may be eligible to receive the Yukon Supplementary Allowance (YSA). To apply for the Allowance, call (867) 667-5674; toll free 1-800-661-0408, extension 5674. More about the YSA.

Home care

You can get the help you need to live independently in your home through the Yukon Health & Social Services Home Care program. Personal care, nursing, housework, rehabilitation and therapy are some of the services available to you as long as you qualify for the Yukon Health Insurance Plan (YHCIP). To inquire, contact your regional social worker or the unit directly at:

3168 3rd Ave
Whitehorse, YK
Phone: (867) 667-5774
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5774 (Yukon only)
Fax: (867) 393-6328

Read more about Home Care.
Contact your regional services office.

Assisted living for seniors

There are three government-run residential care facilities for seniors in the Yukon: Copper Ridge Place, Macaulay Lodge and McDonald Lodge. McDonald Lodge is in Dawson City; the others are in Whitehorse. These homes provide care for people who need more constant or complex care than can be offered through the Home Care program. All services are covered by the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) based on assessed need. More about residential care.

Assisted living for people with disabilities

Yukon Health & Social Services can provide assisted living in a variety of settings through the Adult Services unit. Call (867) 667-5669 for a consultation.

Respite services

In-home respite for caregivers of disabled adults and seniors comes from the Home Care program of Yukon Health & Social Services. Families of children with special needs can receive funding to hire in-home respite from the Family Supports for Children with Disabilities program, which is offered by Family and Children’s Services.

Family Supports for Children with Disabilities may also be able to offer respite care through approved homes in your community. Adults and seniors can also be lodged at one of the Yukon’s residential care facilities on a short term basis to provide respite for caregivers. More about respite care services.

Family Supports for Children with Disabilities
49B Waterfront Place
Whitehorse, YK, Y1A 6V1
Phone: (867) 393-7464
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 7464 (Yukon only)
Fax: (867) 667-7553

Continuing Care residential, respite and day programs (information, assessment and intake)
109 Copper Road
Whitehorse, YK, Y1A 4Z5
Phone: (867) 667-8961 or (867) 456-6830
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8961 (Yukon only)


Medical records

Patients in the Yukon have the right to see their medical information and to obtain copies in a reasonable amount of time and for only a reasonable fee. If you have any concerns about access to your medical records, contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner:
PO Box 31300
Whitehorse, YK
Y1A 5P7
PO Box 2703
Whitehorse, YK
Y1A 2C6

211 Hawkins Street
Suite 201
Whitehorse, YK

Phone: (867) 667-8468
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8468 (Yukon only)
Fax: (867) 667-8469

More about access to medical records. (requires Adobe Reader)

Power of Attorney and other legal relationships

Please note: The information provided here is provided for information purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.

A Power of Attorney agreement in the Yukon gives an attorney, named by you, the power to act on your behalf. Exactly what powers your attorney can exercise are set out in the agreement; they may be very limited and specific, such as closing one transaction, or they may be comprehensive, allowing the attorney to control all your finances and make medical and personal decisions when you are unable to.

Ordinary Power of Attorney agreements become invalid if you lose the capacity to direct your attorney. To give your attorney the power to act for you when you are incapacitated, you must create an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). EPAs are covered by separate legislation and require a certificate from a lawyer to become active.

It is advisable to get assistance from a lawyer in making a Power of Attorney agreement in the Yukon.

There is another kind of agreement in the Yukon called a Representation Agreement. It is mandated by the Adult Protection and Decision-Making Act and falls under the authority of Yukon Health & Social Services rather than the courts. This agreement empowers someone to act on your behalf to make routine financial transactions and minor personal decisions. It is for people who are capable of making most of their own decisions, but have difficulty in some areas, perhaps with complex paperwork or medication. Representation Agreements become invalid if you lose the ability to direct your representative.

More about Representation Agreements.

Yukon Representation Agreements are enforced by Health and Social Services.

Yukon Health and Social Services
204 Lambert Street (4th floor)
Whitehorse, YK
Phone: (867) 667-5674 or (867) 456-3946
Toll-free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5674 (Yukon only)

Regulatory and administrative bodies

Yukon Health & Social Services insures, regulates and contracts third parties to provide health services in the Yukon. Community health care is delivered by the Department directly in Whitehorse, and by the Regional Services Offices elsewhere in the territory.

Concerns about access to medical information or breach of confidentiality should be directed to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Doctors are licensed and regulated in the Yukon by the Yukon Medical Council. Nurses are governed by the Yukon Registered Nurse’s Association.

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