Canadian Health Care Guide

The health care system is complex and Canadians are demanding to know more, like how to find a family doctor or access particular health services efficiently. In the sections that follow you will find the answers to these questions and more.

Find the information you need to access programs, services and control health care costs.

Health Care Providers

Locate doctors, specialists, and more

Health Facilities & Programs

Find places and services that meet your needs

Health Expenses

Navigate through common medical expenses

Informative tips on health decision-making, care options and support.

Personal Decision-Making

Learn how to make informed health decisions

Tests & Treatments

Understand your health care options

Coping with Illness

Get informed and access helpful resources

Caregiving & Support

Take care of the ones you love

Learn more about preventive health care for healthier living at home, work and play.

Workplace Health

Understand why healthcare in the workplace matters

Nutrition & Wellness

Improve your health with exercise and a good diet

Travel Health

Tips for managing health while abroad

Need Help?
For personal assistance, contact a Health Information Specialist.
1-800-875-1264Monday to Friday — 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Strong. Reliable. Trustworthy. Forward-thinking.