Condition Database

Find out about the causes, symptoms, treatments and more for thousands of diseases and conditions.

To search for a condition, just type the name in the box below and submit. Or search alphabetically, by selecting a letter for a list of conditions that begin with that letter.

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Conditions beginning with the letter A

Abnormal Heart Rhythms (Arrhythmias, Dysrhythmia)
Abrasions (Cuts and Scrapes, Wound Care)
Acne (Pimples, Zits)
Acne Rosacea (Rosacea)
Actinic Keratosis (Precancerous Skin Lesion, Solar Keratosis)
Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis (AECB)
ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder)
Addiction (Substance Use Problems, Drug Abuse)
Addison's Anemia (Pernicious Anemia, Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Congenital Pernicious Anemia, Combined Systems Disease)
Addison's Disease (Adrenal Insufficiency, Hypocortisolism, Primary Adrenal Insufficiency)
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD)
Adolescent Suicide
Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease, Hypocortisolism, Primary Adrenal Insufficiency)
AECB (Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis)
Age-related Macular Degeneration (Macular Degeneration, AMD)
AIDS (HIV/AIDS, Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Alcohol Abuse (Alcoholism, Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Use)
Alcohol Dependence (Alcoholism, Alcohol Use, Alcohol Abuse)
Alcohol Use (Alcoholism, Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Abuse)
Alcoholism (Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Use, Alcohol Abuse)
Allergic Dermatitis (Poison Ivy, Contact Dermatitis)
Allergic Rhinitis (Allergies, Hay Fever, Pollinosis)
Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis, Hay Fever, Pollinosis)
Alopecia (Hair Loss, Baldness)
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Altitude Sickness (High Altitude Sickness, Mountain Sickness)
Alzheimer's Disease
AMD (Macular Degeneration, Age-related Macular Degeneration)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease, ALS)
Andropause (Low Testosterone, Male Menopause, Manopause, Testosterone Deficiency)
Anemia of Chronic Disease (Anemia of Inflammation, Iron Reutilization Anemia)
Anemia of Inflammation (Anemia of Chronic Disease, Iron Reutilization Anemia)
Aneurysm (Brain Aneurysm, Aortic Aneurysm)
Angina (Angina Pectoris)
Angina Pectoris (Angina)
Angioplasty (Heart Artery Dilation, PCTA, PCI, Balloon Angioplasty)
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Anorexia (Eating Disorders, Bulimia)
Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis Infection, Cutaneous Anthrax, Inhalation Anthrax, Intestinal Anthrax)
Anxiety Disorders
Aortic Aneurysm (Aneurysm, Brain Aneurysm)
Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores, Mouth Ulcers)
Aplastic Anemia (Aregenerative Anemia, Panmyelopathy, Hypoplastic Anemia, Toxic Paralytic Anemia)
Aregenerative Anemia (Aplastic Anemia, Panmyelopathy, Hypoplastic Anemia, Toxic Paralytic Anemia)
Arrhythmias (Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Dysrhythmia)
ASD (Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders)
Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis, Foot Ringworm)
Athletic Injuries (Sports Injuries)
Atrial Fibrillation
Attention Deficit Disorder (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD)
Atypical Pneumonia (SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders, ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism, ASD)
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu, Flu, Avian, Influenza, Bird)

Every article in the Condition Database has been reviewed by Canadian doctors and pharmacists.

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The medical, health and other information, as well as all other content, on this web site is provided for informational purposes only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic, treatment or other purposes. No information on this web site creates any patient-physician relationship, and is not intended in any way to be a substitute for professional diagnosis, treatment or advice.

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