Prescription Drug Database

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The brand name is the name under which a specific manufacturer markets a product (e.g., Tylenol®). The common name is the standard name of the medicine (e.g., acetaminophen). Check the label on your medicine for this information.

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Drugs beginning with the letter F

Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta)
famciclovir (Apo-FamciclovirCO FamciclovirFamciclovir by Pro DocFamvirpms-FamciclovirSandoz Famciclovir)
Famciclovir by Pro Doc (famciclovir)
famotidine (Acid Control by PendopharmAcid Control by StanleyApo-FamotidineFamotidine by SanisFamotidine OmegaMylan-FamotidineNovo-FamotidineNu-FamotidinePepcidPepcid ACPeptic Guard)
Famotidine by Sanis (famotidine)
Famotidine Omega (famotidine)
Famvir (famciclovir)
Faslodex (fulvestrant)
febuxostat (Uloric)
felodipine (PlendilRenedilSandoz Felodipine)
Femara (letrozole)
FemHRT (norethindrone acetate - ethinyl estradiol (FemHRT))
fenofibrate (Apo-FenofibrateNu-Fenofibrate)
fenofibrate (crystals) (Lipidil EZ)
fenofibrate (microcoated) (Apo-Feno-SuperFenomaxLipidil SupraPro-Feno-SuperSandoz Fenofibrate STeva-Fenofibrate-S)
fenofibrate (micronized) (Apo-Feno-MicroDom-Fenofibrate MicroFenofibrate Micro by SanisFeno-Micro-200Lipidil MicroMylan-Fenofibrate MicroPhl-Fenofibrate MicroPMS-Fenofibrate Microratio-FenofibrateRiva-Fenofibrate MicroTeva-Fenofibrate Micro)
Fenofibrate Micro by Sanis (fenofibrate (micronized))
Fenomax (fenofibrate (microcoated))
Feno-Micro-200 (fenofibrate (micronized))
fentanyl tablet (Abstral)
fentanyl transdermal patch (Duragesic MATpms-Fentanyl MTXRAN-Fentanyl Matrix PatchRAN-Fentanyl Transdermal patchratio-FentanylSandoz FentanylTeva-Fentanyl)
Fer-In-Sol (oral iron (ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfate))
Ferodan (oral iron (ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfate))
fexofenadine (Allegra)
fexofenadine - pseudoephedrine (Allegra-D)
filgrastim (Neupogen)
Finasteride (finasteride (for BPH))
finasteride (for BPH) (CO FinasterideFinasterideFinasteride USPJAMP-FinasterideMylan-Finasteridepms-FinasterideProscarratio-FinasterideSandoz FinasterdeTeva-Finasteride)
finasteride (for male pattern baldness) (pms-FinasteridePropeciaSandoz Finasteride A)
Finasteride USP (finasteride (for BPH))
fingolimod (Gilenya)
Fiorinal (ASA - caffeine - butalbital)
Fiorinal C (ASA - caffeine - codeine - butalbital)
Flagyl (metronidazole)
Flagystatin (metronidazole - nystatin vaginal)
Flamazine (silver sulfadiazine)
Flavoxate (flavoxate)
flavoxate (Apo-FlavoxateFlavoxatepms-FlavoxateUrispas)
flecainide (Flecainide by AA Pharma Inc.Tambocor)
Flecainide by AA Pharma Inc. (flecainide)
Fleet Enema (sodium phosphates)
Fleet Enema Pediatric (sodium phosphates)
Floctafenine (floctafenine)
floctafenine (Floctafenine)
Flolan (epoprostenol)
Flomax CR (tamsulosin)
Flonase (fluticasone propionate nasal spray)
Florinef (fludrocortisone)
Flovent (fluticasone)
Fluanxol Depot (flupenthixol)
Fluanxol Tablets (flupenthixol)
Fluconazole (fluconazole-150 (for vaginal candidiasis))
fluconazole (Apo-FluconazoleCO FluconazoleDiflucanDom-FluconazoleFluconazole by SorresFluconazole injection by BaxterFluconazole injection by SandozFluconazole injection by TevaFluconazole OmegaMylan-FluconazolePms-FluconazolePro-FluconazoleRiva-FluconazoleTaro-FluconazoleTeva-Fluconazole)
Fluconazole by Sorres (fluconazole)
Fluconazole capsule (fluconazole-150 (for vaginal candidiasis))
Fluconazole injection by Baxter (fluconazole)
Fluconazole injection by Sandoz (fluconazole)
Fluconazole injection by Teva (fluconazole)
Fluconazole Omega (fluconazole)
fluconazole-150 (for vaginal candidiasis) (CanesOralCo Fluconazole-150Diflucan-150FluconazoleFluconazole capsuleMylan-Fluconazole-150PHL-FluconazolePMS-Fluconazole150PMS-Fluconazole-150Pro-FluconazoleRiva-FluconazoleTeva-Fluconazole-150)
Fludara (fludarabine)
fludarabine (Fludara)
fludrocortisone (Florinef)
flumethasone - clioquinol cream (Locacorten Vioform Cream)
flumethasone - clioquinol eardrops (Locacorten Vioform Eardrops)
FluMist (influenza vaccine (intranasal spray))
flunarizine (Apo-Flunarizine)
flunisolide nasal spray (Apo-FlunisolideRhinalar Nasal Mist)
fluocinolone acetonide (CapexDerma-Smoothe/FSDermotic Oil Ear Drops)
fluocinonide topical (LidemolLidexLydermTiamolTopactin)
Fluoroplex (fluorouracil topical)
fluorouracil (Fluorouracil Injection by HospiraFluorouracil Injection by Sandoz)
Fluorouracil Injection by Hospira (fluorouracil)
Fluorouracil Injection by Sandoz (fluorouracil)
fluorouracil topical (EfudexFluoroplex)
fluoxetine (Apo-FluoxetineCO FluoxetineDom-FluoxetineFluoxetine by Meliapharm Inc.Fluoxetine by Pharmascience Inc.Fluoxetine by Sanis Health Inc.FXT 40Mylan-FluoxetineNu-FluoxetinePhl-FluoxetinePMS-FluoxetinePro-FluoxetineProzacratio-FluoxetineRiva-FluoxetineSandoz FluoxetineTeva-FluoxetineZym-Fluoxetine)
Fluoxetine by Meliapharm Inc. (fluoxetine)
Fluoxetine by Pharmascience Inc. (fluoxetine)
Fluoxetine by Sanis Health Inc. (fluoxetine)
flupenthixol (Fluanxol DepotFluanxol TabletsFlupenthixol Decanoate Injection)
Flupenthixol Decanoate Injection (flupenthixol)
fluphenazine decanoate (Apo-Fluphenazine InjectableFluphenazine OmegaModecate ConcentratePMS-Fluphenazine Decanoate)
fluphenazine hydrochloride (Apo-FluphenazinePMS-Fluphenazine)
Fluphenazine Omega (fluphenazine decanoate)
flurazepam (Apo-FlurazepamBio-FlurazepamFlurazepam by Pro DocPMS-Flurazepam)
Flurazepam by Pro Doc (flurazepam)
flurbiprofen (AnsaidApo-FlurbiprofenNu-FlurbiprofenTeva-Flurbiprofen)
Flutamide (flutamide)
flutamide (Apo-FlutamideEuflexFlutamideFlutamide by Pharmelpms-FlutamideTeva-Flutamide)
Flutamide by Pharmel (flutamide)
fluticasone (Flovent)
fluticasone furoate nasal spray (Avamys)
fluticasone propionate nasal spray (Apo-FluticasoneFlonaseratio-Fluticasone)
fluticasone topical (Cutivate)
fluvastatin (LescolLescol XL)
Fluviral (influenza vaccine)
fluvoxamine (Apo-FluvoxamineCO FluvoxamineDom-FluvoxamineFluvoxamine by Pro DocLuvoxNu-FluvoxaminePHL-FluvoxaminePMS-Fluvoxamineratio-FluvoxamineRiva-FluvoxSandoz FluvoxamineTeva-Fluvoxamine)
Fluvoxamine by Pro Doc (fluvoxamine)
follitropin alpha (Gonal-fGonal-f Pen)
follitropin beta (Puregon)
Foradil (formoterol fumarate)
formoterol - mometasone (Zenhale)
formoterol fumarate (Foradil)
formoterol fumarate dihydrate (Oxeze)
Forteo (teriparatide injection)
Fosamax (alendronate)
fosamprenavir (Telzir)
Fosavance (alendronate - cholecalciferol)
Fosinopril (fosinopril)
fosinopril (Apo-FosinoprilFosinoprilJamp-FosinoprilMonoprilMylan-Fosinoprilpms-FosinoprilRan-FosinoprilRiva-FosinoprilTeva-Fosinopril)
Fragmin (dalteparin)
framycetin (Sofra-Tulle)
framycetin sulfate - gramicidin - dexamethasone compound (Sofracort)
Fraxiparine (nadroparin)
Frisium (clobazam)
Frova (frovatriptan)
frovatriptan (Frova)
Fucidin Cream (fusidic acid or sodium fusidate topical)
Fucidin H (fusidic acid - hydrocortisone)
Fucidin Ointment (fusidic acid or sodium fusidate topical)
fulvestrant (Faslodex)
furosemide (Apo-FurosemideBio-FurosemideDom-FurosemideFurosemide 10 mg/mLFurosemide by Pro DocFurosemide by SanisFurosemide injectionLasixNu-Furosemidepms-FurosemideTeva-Furosemide)
Furosemide 10 mg/mL (furosemide)
Furosemide by Pro Doc (furosemide)
Furosemide by Sanis (furosemide)
Furosemide injection (furosemide)
fusidic acid - hydrocortisone (Fucidin H)
fusidic acid or sodium fusidate topical (Fucidin CreamFucidin Ointment)
Fuzeon (enfuvirtide)
FXT 40 (fluoxetine)

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