Prescription Drug Database

You can search for a drug in two ways. Enter the drug name in the box below, or select a letter to find all of the drug names beginning with that letter.

Uncertain about brand names and common names?

The brand name is the name under which a specific manufacturer markets a product (e.g., Tylenol®). The common name is the standard name of the medicine (e.g., acetaminophen). Check the label on your medicine for this information.

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Drugs beginning with the letter B

bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG Vaccine (Freeze-Dried) by Sanofi Pasteur LimitedImmuCystOncoTICE)
Bacimyxin (polymyxin B - bacitracin zinc)
baclofen (Apo-BaclofenBaclofen by Pro DocBaclofen by SanisDom-BaclofenLioresalLioresal IntrathecalMed BaclofenMylan-BaclofenNu-Baclophl-Baclofenpms-Baclofenratio-BaclofenRiva-Baclofen)
Baclofen by Pro Doc (baclofen)
Baclofen by Sanis (baclofen)
Bactroban (mupirocin)
Balminil DM (dextromethorphan)
Banzel (rufinamide)
Baraclude (entecavir)
BCG Vaccine (Freeze-Dried) by Sanofi Pasteur Limited (bacillus Calmette-Guerin)
beclomethasone inhaler (Qvar)
beclomethasone nasal spray (Apo-Beclomethasone Nasal SprayMylan-Beclo AQNu-Beclomethasone 50 µg Nasal SprayRivanase AQ.)
belladonna - ergotamine - phenobarbital (Bellergal Spacetabs)
Bellergal Spacetabs (belladonna - ergotamine - phenobarbital)
Benadryl (diphenhydramine (allergy))
Benazepril (benazepril HCl)
benazepril HCl (BenazeprilLotensin)
Benoxyl (benzoyl peroxide topical)
Benuryl (probenecid)
Benylin (dextromethorphan)
Benzac AC (benzoyl peroxide topical)
Benzac W (benzoyl peroxide topical)
Benzaclin Topical Gel (clindamycin - benzoyl peroxide)
Benzamycin (benzoyl peroxide - erythromycin)
benzoyl peroxide - erythromycin (Benzamycin)
benzoyl peroxide topical (AcetoxylAdasept b.p. 5 Acne GelBenoxylBenzac ACBenzac WOxydermPanoxylSolugel)
benztropine (Apo-BenztropineBenztropine OmegaPMS-Benztropine)
Benztropine Omega (benztropine)
benzydamine oral rinse (Apo-BenzydaminePMS-BenzydamineSun-BenzTantumTeva-Benzydamine Solution)
besifloxacin (eye drops) (Besivance)
Besivance (besifloxacin (eye drops))
Betaderm (betamethasone valerate)
Betagan (levobunolol)
betahistine (SercTeva-Betahistine)
Betaloc (metoprolol)
betamethasone - salicylic acid lotion and ointment (Diprosalicratio-Topisalic Lotion)
betamethasone (enema) (Betnesol Retention Enema)
betamethasone dipropionate (Diprolene GlycolDiprosoneratio-Topileneratio-TopisoneRoleneRosoneTaro-Sone)
betamethasone dipropionate - clotrimazole (Lotriderm)
betamethasone sodium phosphate - gentamicin (GarasoneSandoz Pentasone)
betamethasone valerate (BetadermPrevex Bratio-EctosoneRivasoneValisone)
betamethasone valerate - gentamicin (Valisone-G)
Betaseron (interferon beta-1b)
betaxolol (Betoptic SSandoz Betaxolol)
bethanechol chloride (DuvoidPHL-bethanecholPMS-bethanechol)
Betnesol Retention Enema (betamethasone (enema))
Betoptic S (betaxolol)
bevacizumab (Avastin)
bezafibrate (Bezalip SR)
Bezalip SR (bezafibrate)
Biaxin BID (clarithromycin)
Biaxin Suspension (clarithromycin)
Biaxin XL (clarithromycin)
bicalutamide (Bicalutamide by Accord Healthcare IncBicalutamide by Sorres Pharma IncCasodexCO BicalutamideDom-BicalutamideMylan-BicalutamidePHL-Bicalutamidepms-BicalutamidePro-Bicalutamideratio-BicalutamideSandoz BicalutamideTeva-Bicalutamide)
Bicalutamide by Accord Healthcare Inc (bicalutamide)
Bicalutamide by Sorres Pharma Inc (bicalutamide)
bimatoprost (Lumigan)
bimatoprost eye solution (Latisse)
Bio-Amitriptyline (amitriptyline)
Bioderm Ointment (polymyxin B - bacitracin zinc)
Bio-diazepam (diazepam)
Bio-Flurazepam (flurazepam)
Bio-Furosemide (furosemide)
Bio-Hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide)
Bio-Oxazepam (oxazepam)
Biphentin (methylphenidate controlled release)
bisacodyl (Apo-BisacodylCarters Little PillsDulcolaxpms-Bisacodylratio-Bisacodyl)
Bismuth + Antacid Chewable Tablets (bismuth subsalicylate - calcium carbonate)
Bismuth by Arrow (bismuth subsalicylate)
Bismuth by Jamp Pharma (bismuth subsalicylate)
Bismuth by Perrigo (bismuth subsalicylate)
Bismuth by Pharmetics (bismuth subsalicylate)
Bismuth Subsalicylate (bismuth subsalicylate)
bismuth subsalicylate (Bismuth by ArrowBismuth by Jamp PharmaBismuth by PerrigoBismuth by PharmeticsBismuth SubsalicylatePepto-BismolStomak-Care Multi Action)
bismuth subsalicylate - calcium carbonate (Bismuth + Antacid Chewable TabletsChewable Bismuth tablets with Calcium CarbonatePepto-Bismol)
bisoprolol (Apo-BisoprololBisoprolol by Sorres Pharma Inc.Phl-BisoprololPms-BisoprololPro-BisoprololSandoz BisoprololTeva-Bisoprolol)
Bisoprolol by Sorres Pharma Inc. (bisoprolol)
Blenoxane (bleomycin)
bleomycin (BlenoxaneBleomycin for Injection by Hospira Healthcare CorporationBleomycin for Injection by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada Inc)
Bleomycin for Injection by Hospira Healthcare Corporation (bleomycin)
Bleomycin for Injection by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada Inc (bleomycin)
Bonamine (meclizine)
Bonefos (clodronate)
Boostrix (pertussis - diphtheria - tetanus vaccine)
bortezomib (Velcade)
bosentan (Tracleer)
Botox (botulinum toxin type A)
Botox Cosmetic (botulinum toxin type A (purified neurotoxin complex))
botulinum toxin type A (Botox)
botulinum toxin type A (free from complexing proteins) (Xeomin)
botulinum toxin type A (purified neurotoxin complex) (Botox Cosmetic)
Bravelle (urofollitropin)
Brevicon (norethindrone - ethinyl estradiol)
Bricanyl Turbuhaler (terbutaline sulfate)
Brilinta (ticagrelor)
brimonidine (AlphaganApo-BrimonidinePMS-Brimonidineratio-BrimonidineSandoz Brimonidine)
brimonidine - timolol (Combigan)
brinzolamide (Azopt)
brinzolamide - timolol (Azarga)
bromazepam (Apo-BromazepamBromazepam-3LectopamMylan-BromazepamNu-BromazepamTeva-Bromazepam)
Bromazepam-3 (bromazepam)
bromocriptine (Apo-BromocriptineBromocriptine by PharmelDom-BromocriptinePMS-Bromocriptine)
Bromocriptine by Pharmel (bromocriptine)
brompheniramine maleate - phenylephrine HCl - guaifenesin - codeine phosphate (Dimetane Expectorant-C)
brompheniramine maleate - phenylephrine HCl - guaifenesin - hydrocodone bitartrate (Dimetane Expectorant-DC)
Bronchophan Forte DM (dextromethorphan)
Buckley's DM (dextromethorphan)
budesonide - formoterol turbuhaler (Symbicort Turbuhaler)
budesonide (capsules) (Entocort Capsules)
budesonide (for nebulization) (Pulmicort Nebuamp)
budesonide nasal spray (Mylan-Budesonide AQ.Rhinocort Aqua)
budesonide nasal turbuhaler (Rhinocort Turbuhaler)
budesonide turbuhaler (Pulmicort Turbuhaler)
Bufferin (acetylsalicylic acid (ASA))
Buminate (albumin (human))
buprenorphine - naloxone (Suboxone)
buprenorphine (patch) (BuTrans)
bupropion (depression) (Bupropion SRPMS-Bupropion SRratio-Bupropion SRSandoz Bupropion SRWellbutrin SR)
bupropion (smoking cessation) (Zyban)
bupropion extended release (Wellbutrin XL)
Bupropion SR (bupropion (depression))
Buscopan (hyoscine)
buserelin acetate (SuprefactSuprefact Depot)
Buspar (buspirone HCl)
buspirone HCl (Apo-BuspironeBusparBuspirone-10BustabCO BuspironeDOM-BuspironeMylan-BuspironeNu-BuspironePMS-Buspironeratio-BuspironeRiva-BuspironeTeva-Buspirone)
Buspirone-10 (buspirone HCl)
Bustab (buspirone HCl)
busulfan (BusulfexMyleran)
Busulfex (busulfan)
butoconazole (Gynazole-1)
butorphanol (Apo-ButorphanolPMS-Butorphanol)
BuTrans (buprenorphine (patch))
Byetta (exenatide)

The Prescription Drug Database contains information developed by Canadian pharmacists.

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