Prescription Drug Database

You can search for a drug in two ways. Enter the drug name in the box below, or select a letter to find all of the drug names beginning with that letter.

Uncertain about brand names and common names?

The brand name is the name under which a specific manufacturer markets a product (e.g., Tylenol®). The common name is the standard name of the medicine (e.g., acetaminophen). Check the label on your medicine for this information.

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Drugs beginning with the letter I

ibuprofen (AdvilAdvilApo-IbuprofenEuroprofenIbuprofen by BannerIbuprofen by PendopharmIbuprofen by PerrigoIbuprofen by PharmeticsIbuprofen by Pro DocIbuprofen by Vita Health ProductsMotrinNovo-ProfenNu-Ibuprofenpms-Ibuprofen)
ibuprofen - pseudoephedrine (Advil Cold & SinusChildren's Advil Cold & SinusCold and SinusIbuprofen and pseudoephedrine by McNeil Consumer HealthcareMotrin Cold & Sinus PainSudafed Sinus Advance)
Ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine by McNeil Consumer Healthcare (ibuprofen - pseudoephedrine)
Ibuprofen by Banner (ibuprofen)
Ibuprofen by Pendopharm (ibuprofen)
Ibuprofen by Perrigo (ibuprofen)
Ibuprofen by Pharmetics (ibuprofen)
Ibuprofen by Pro Doc (ibuprofen)
Ibuprofen by Vita Health Products (ibuprofen)
Idamycin (idarubicin)
idarubicin (IdamycinIdarubicin Hydrochloride Injection)
Idarubicin Hydrochloride Injection (idarubicin)
idebenone (Catena)
idursulfase (Elaprase)
Ifex (ifosfamide)
ifosfamide (IfexIfosfamide for injection)
Ifosfamide for injection (ifosfamide)
imatinib (Gleevec)
Imdur (isosorbide-5-mononitrate extended release)
imipramine (Imipramine by AA Pharma Inc.ImprilPms-Imipramine)
Imipramine by AA Pharma Inc. (imipramine)
imiquimod 3.75% cream (for actinic keratosis) (Zyclara)
imiquimod 3.75% cream (for genital warts) (Vyloma)
imiquimod 5% cream (Aldara)
Imitrex (sumatriptan)
Imitrex DF (sumatriptan)
ImmuCyst (bacillus Calmette-Guerin)
Imodium (loperamide)
Imovane (zopiclone)
Impril (imipramine)
Imuran (azathioprine)
indapamide (Apo-IndapamideDom-IndapamideIndapamide by ProvalJamp-IndapamideLozideMylan-IndapamideNu-IndapamidePhl-IndapamidePMS-IndapamidePro-IndapamideRiva-IndapamideTeva-Indapamide)
Indapamide by Proval (indapamide)
Inderal-LA (propranolol HCl)
indinavir (Crixivan)
indomethacin (Apo-IndomethacinNu-IndoPro-Indoratio-IndomethacinSandoz indomethacinTeva-Methacin)
infliximab (Remicade)
influenza vaccine (AgrifluFluviralInfluvacVaxigrip)
influenza vaccine (intranasal spray) (FluMist)
influenza vaccine intradermal (Intanza)
Influvac (influenza vaccine)
Infufer (iron dextran)
Inhibace (cilazapril)
Inhibace Plus (cilazapril - hydrochlorothiazide)
Innohep (tinzaparin)
Inspra (eplerenone)
insulin aspart (NovoRapid)
insulin aspart mix (NovoMix 30)
insulin detemir (Levemir)
insulin glargine (Lantus)
insulin glulisine (Apidra)
insulin lispro (Humalog)
insulin lispro mix (Humalog Mix25Humalog Mix50)
insulin NPH (insulin isophane) (Humulin-NNovolin ge NPH)
insulin premixed 30/70 (Humulin 30/70Novolin ge 30/70)
insulin premixed 40/60 (Novolin ge 40/60)
insulin premixed 50/50 (Novolin ge 50/50)
insulin regular (insulin Toronto) (HumulinNovolin ge Toronto)
Intanza (influenza vaccine intradermal)
Intelence (etravirine)
interferon alfa-2b (Intron A)
interferon beta-1a (Avonex) (Avonex PS)
interferon beta-1a (Rebif) (Rebif)
interferon beta-1b (BetaseronExtavia)
Intron A (interferon alfa-2b)
Invega (paliperidone)
Invirase (saquinavir)
iodoquinol (Diodoquin)
ipratropium - fenoterol (Duovent UDV)
ipratropium - salbutamol inhalation solution (Apo-Salvent-Ipravent SterulesCombivent UDVMylan-Combo Sterinebsratio-IPRA SAL UDV)
ipratropium bromide aerosol (Atrovent HFA)
ipratropium inhalation solution (Apo-IpraventMylan-IpratropiumNu-IpratropiumPMS-Ipratropiumratio-IpratropiumTeva-Ipratropium Inhalation Solution)
ipratropium nasal spray (Apo-Ipravent Nasal SprayAtrovent Nasal Spray)
irbesartan (Avapro)
irbesartan - hydrochlorothiazide (Avalide)
Iressa (gefitinib)
irinotecan (CamptosarIrinotecan for Injection by Teva Canada LimitedIrinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Hospira Healthcare CorpIrinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada, Inc.Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Sandoz Canada Inc.)
Irinotecan for Injection by Teva Canada Limited (irinotecan)
Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Hospira Healthcare Corp (irinotecan)
Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada, Inc. (irinotecan)
Irinotecan Hydrochloride Trihydrate for Injection by Sandoz Canada Inc. (irinotecan)
iron dextran (DexIronInfufer)
ISDN (isosorbide dinitrate)
Isentress (raltegravir)
isopropyl myristate (Resultz)
Isoptin SR (verapamil)
Isopto Carpine (pilocarpine eye drops)
isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)
isosorbide-5-mononitrate extended release (Apo-ISMNImdurPMS-ISMNPro-ISMN)
isotretinoin (AccutaneClarus)
itraconazole (Sporanox CapsulesSporanox Oral Solution)

The Prescription Drug Database contains information developed by Canadian pharmacists.

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