Specialists: Getting referred and getting seen fast

If you need to see a specialist, getting that first appointment can often feel like a waiting game. So what can you do to see the specialist sooner?

Specialists are doctors who are highly trained in a specific area of medicine. Examples include neurologists (who specialize in the nervous system) and oncologists (who specialize in cancer care).

If you need to see a specialist, your family doctor will be able to provide you with a referral relatively quickly; however getting that first appointment can often feel like a waiting game. So what can you do to see the specialist sooner? Start by getting to know how the referral process works and, more importantly, learning ways to try and make it work for you!

Understand which specialist you need to see
Consider wait times when making your decision
Once you have your referral

Understand which specialist you need to see

Your family doctor will have a large network of specialists and will refer you to the one most appropriate for you if your medical condition requires further investigation. Find out what type of specialist you will be seeing by asking your doctor to explain what he does and why you need to see him. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada provides information on all medical specialties in Canada (select a desired specialty; see the “Objectives of Training” and the “Specialty Training Requirements” sections for more information on a particular specialty).

Consider wait times when making your decision

Make sure to ask your doctor what the typical wait time is for an initial appointment with the specialist he is referring you to.

You may feel concerned if the wait time is longer than you had expected—especially if your condition is serious and/or painful. Consider other alternatives. Maybe there’s another specialist in the same field who can get you in faster. Or, let your doctor know if you are willing to travel to see an out-of-town specialist sooner. The information you provide may help him consider other specialists he had initially deemed inappropriate for you.

If your doctor does not know of any alternatives, you can conduct your own search for a specialist. If you find one you would like to see, approach your doctor and ask for a referral.

Once you have your referral

Here are some tips on how to speed up the process while you wait to see the specialist:

  1. Be proactive. Studies on wait times have shown that a big part of the wait for a specialist appointment is the time it takes for your information to get from your family doctor to the specialist. Try asking for a copy of the referral letter and taking it, along with a copy of your health record, to the specialist’s office yourself. While you’re there, chat with the receptionist to find out if you can get in sooner.
  2. Just ask! Don’t assume that the receptionist has given you the earliest available time slot. If you are uncomfortable with how long you are expected to wait for an appointment, express your concern politely and ask if anything can be done.
  3. Be flexible. If you let the receptionist know that you can come in on short notice (e.g., if there’s a cancellation), you may get a call well ahead of your scheduled time. You might want to ask if the clinic has a cancellation list; if so, indicate that you would like your name placed on it, and call back periodically to make sure your name stays on that list!
  4. Turn on the charm. Getting the receptionist and any other clinic staff on your side will help get you on the other side of the specialist’s door a lot faster.
  5. Don’t wait by the phone. If you have been promised a call regarding an upcoming appointment or if you’re waiting to hear back about test results, ask when you should expect to receive the call. If that time comes and goes, and you have yet to hear back from anyone, pick up the phone and call yourself!

It’s not easy to sit back and wait to see a specialist, especially if you have a painful condition that requires treatment ASAP. It doesn’t hurt to do what you can to try and fast track your appointment. If you can’t do it on your own, enlist the help of a health advocate. It all comes down to understanding the referral process, doing some research, and speaking up about your needs. With a little extra work and a lot of perseverance, you may just be able to see the specialist faster!

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