Natural Products


Cucurbita pepo


  • Indications with proven efficacy:
    Bladder irritation
    Dysuria associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Also used for these other indications, but with no proof of efficacy:
    Intestinal worms and parasites


  • Risk of Drug Interactions: Low
  • Adverse Effects: Rare

What is it?

With its characteristic appearance, this well-known fruit needs no introduction. However, it is not the fruit itself but its dried seeds that are used for their medicinal value. In fact, seeds from various cucurbitaceae species have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Historically, pumpkin seeds where used to eradicate intestinal worms and parasites. In those days, seeds were crushed and the resulting powder swallowed by itself or used to make a tea. The antiparasitic activity of pumpkin seeds is attributed to its cucurbitin content, which can vary greatly from one specie to another. Newer vermifuges have now largely surpassed the use of pumpkin seeds for this indication. Pumpkin seeds also contain phytosterols, beta and alpha-tocopherol as well as minerals such as selenium.

Taking pumpkin seeds appears to improve some parameters of benign prostatic hyperplasia, such as urine flow, volume of residual urine and urinary frequency. However, the actual prostate size remains unchanged.


In 2004, Canada adopted new regulations that control the manufacturing, packaging, labeling and importing of natural health products. The new regulations also include an adverse reaction reporting system. Products that conform to the regulation's criteria are identified with a natural product number (NPN) or homeopathic medicine number (DIN-HM) and can be legally sold in Canada. This number indicates that the product meets specific criteria for safety and purity, not that it is effective for any indication.

Medicinal plants content varies naturally from plant to plant – just as fruits from the same package may vary in taste and texture. There is no standard to measure the active content of each plant. Thus, efficacy of natural products should be expected to vary from brand to brand as well as from bottle to bottle of the same brand.

For more information about the Natural Health Products Regulations, or to check if a product has been assessed, visit the Health Canada website at

Does it work?

There is evidence that pumpkin seeds can effectively relieve the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and bladder irritation:

  • Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and bladder irritation:
    A typical dose is 5 grams of pumpkin seeds twice a day.

There is insufficient reliable information to conclude that pumpkin seeds are effective in any other indication.

Is it safe?

  • Pumpkin seeds are associated with no particular toxicity. In fact, there have been no reports of adverse effects associated with pumpkin seeds use.
  • Since there is no safety data available concerning its use during pregnancy and breast-feeding, pregnant and lactating women should not take pumpkin seeds.
  • There are no known allergies or drug interaction.

Clinical notes

  • Pumpkin seeds are useful to relieve the urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Traditionally used as a vermifuge (20 to 500 g daily), they have now been replaced by more effective and practical products. Pumpkin seeds appear to cause no adverse effects.


  1. Blumethal M et al. The Complete German Commission E monographs, 1998
  2. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, Therapeutic Research Faculty, 2007
  3. Facts and Comparisons, The review of Natural Products, 2000
  4. Passeportsanté.net. Citrouille.

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