Heart Health

Heart Health

Discover up-to-date information on diagnostic procedures, medications, dietary treatments, as well as risk factors and current research for a variety of heart conditions.

Health Features

  • Heart Health Heart Health

    Heart disease is the leading killer of Canadians. There are some risk factors you can’t change, however, there are many important risk factors that you can work on: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Whatever your age, you can work towards a healthier heart. More…

  • Nutrition and Fitness Nutrition and Fitness

    Only about 35% of Canadians get enough regular physical activity. But it’s easier than you may think. Read on for exercise and nutrition tips to stay active and fit. More…

  • Stop Smoking Stop Smoking

    Smoking is a powerful addiction that can take a heavy toll on the health of anyone who lights up, as well as their family, friends and co-workers. But there’s a host of strategies that can help smokers butt out for good. Read on to learn more about how to quit and how to make your home and car smoke-free. More…

  • Weight Loss Weight Loss

    Been meaning to lose a few pounds for a while? Read more about weight loss for optimal health, common dieting myths, and healthy lifestyle tips. More…

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