

Three in every eight Canadians will have cancer at some point in their lives. But, while few diseases are as feared as cancer, survival rates have improved dramatically over the past few decades. One of the keys is early detection. We give you clear, straightforward, current information, so you know what to look for. And we have healthy lifestyle tips to help you prevent it in the first place.

Health Features

  • Cancer: Coping Tips Cancer: Coping Tips

    Every year, an estimated 134,000 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer. While the medical community focuses on how to treat and beat cancer, the people affected have to learn how to live with the diagnosis. More…

  • Cutting Your Risks Cutting Your Risks

    Does reducing the number of cancer deaths around the world by a third sound like a lofty goal? Nine simple lifestyle changes could do just that and have a dramatic impact on cancer’s death toll, according to a recent study. Here’s what all of us can do to cut the risk. More…

  • Cutting Your Risks for Colorectal Cancer Cutting Your Risks for Colorectal Cancer

    Although colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Canada and takes the lives of more than 8,400 Canadians a year, it is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Find out how lifestyle choices and regular screening tests can significantly cut the risks of this disease. More…

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