Seniors’ Health

Seniors’ Health

The “golden years” don’t always glitter - they come with their own set of health problems, as if you haven’t lived through enough already. But you can look forward to many more happy, healthy years with the right information. We present the facts on many conditions common to seniors so you can stay well.

Stay up-to-date with the latest information on seniors’ health, nutrition, fitness, and illness. We have tips and information to help keep you healthy and to live a balanced life through the golden years. Start by learning more about:

Health Features

  • Cancer: Coping Tips Cancer: Coping Tips

    While the medical community focuses on how to treat and beat cancer, the people affected have to learn how to live with the diagnosis. More…

  • Diabetes: Managing Your Condition Diabetes: Managing Your Condition

    You can do a lot to combat diabetes by eating right, watching your health, and listening to your doctor. We fill you in on fighting the body’s “sugar war”. More…

  • Medication Management Medication Management

    Fitting your medications into a busy lifestyle can be a challenge. Here are some tips on managing your medications at home and while travelling. More…

  • Arthritis Arthritis

    Over four million Canadians have some form of arthritis. In fact, it’s one of the leading causes of long-term disability in Canada today. More…

  • Osteoporosis Osteoporosis

    Keeping your bones healthy and strong is a lifelong project but it’s never too late to start. More…

  • Seniors’ Health Seniors’ Health

    Canada’s population is graying, with 12% of our population aged 65 and over. And that number is growing fast as more of us are living longer, healthier lives. More…

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