Children’s Health

Children’s Health

Childhood is full of health problems, from runny noses and coughs to potentially fatal infections and congenital illnesses. You want to know as much as possible so your children grow up healthy and fit. We give you clear and direct information on many common childhood ailments. But remember - when your child is sick, never hesitate to see a doctor.

Stay up-to-date with the latest information on children’s health, nutrition, fitness, and illness. Start by accessing the following resources:

Health Features

  • Bedwetting: How to Help Your Child Bedwetting: How to Help Your Child

    Bedwetting is a common - but often humiliating and frustrating - childhood problem. But there are correct and incorrect ways of dealing with this medical condition. More…

  • Vaccination and Your Child Vaccination and Your Child

    There is no reason to watch your child suffer from a childhood disease if there is a good way to prevent it. More…

  • Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity

    After school, your kids like to watch television shows and play computer games. But could these sedentary hobbies be putting your child in danger for developing obesity? More…

  • Colic: Answers for Parents Colic: Answers for Parents

    Does your baby cry and fuss a lot? Is it leading to frustration and sleepless nights for you and your partner? If this sounds familiar, your baby might have colic. More…

  • ADHD Medications ADHD Medications

    Are you curious about how medications used to treat ADHD actually work or how they should be taken? Read on to learn more about ADHD and its treatment. More…

  • Back to School: A Healthy Start Back to School: A Healthy Start

    It’s September and the back-to-school bell is sounding. As a parent, you want to help your child get off to a good start for the school year. More…

Need Help?
For personal assistance, contact a Health Information Specialist.
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