

Although common, recognizing addiction and dealing with withdrawal may not be easy. Understand how addiction is diagnosed and treated, and find out about available support.

Health Features

  • Addictions Close Up Addictions Close Up

    What does it mean to have an addiction? How do you know if you or a loved one may be addicted to something? Where can you get help? Find out what addiction experts have to say. More…

  • Nicotine Craving! Nicotine Craving!

    “It’s easy to quit smoking - I’ve done it a dozen times!” If you can stay off cigarettes right up to when that nicotine craving hits, but then you’re reaching frantically for that pack of smokes, Dr. Norman H. Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association, has some information you’ll want. More…

  • Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation

    Quitting smoking is an important step towards better health, but it’s not easy! Fortunately, there are programs and medications to help. Read on to learn more about smoking cessation. More…

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