Digestive Health

Digestive Health

Abdominal pain, cramping, weight loss, bleeding from the rectum, and diarrhea - find information on signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for various digestive disorders in this channel.

Health Features

  • What Causes Heartburn and Indigestion? What Causes Heartburn and Indigestion?

    We’ve all heard the proverb, “the way to the heart is through the stomach”. Anyone who has suffered indigestion or heartburn knows that when your stomach is upset, everything is upset. More…

  • Preparing for a Colonoscopy Preparing for a Colonoscopy

    Are you scheduled to have a colonoscopy? If it’s your first time, you may be apprehensive or have a few questions. But doctors routinely look in our ears and down our throats, so there’s really no need to feel squeamish when it comes to an examination of our colon. More…

  • Diarrhea – Did You Know? Diarrhea – Did You Know?

    Most of us have had diarrhea at some point in our lives. Find out why we get it and what you can do to manage your diarrhea. Test your knowledge with our “true or false” questions, and learn some interesting facts about diarrhea. More…

  • Constipation Constipation

    So many different things can affect bowel habits - age, medications, general health and diet, social and cultural influences. But when constipation (irregularity) becomes a regular part of your life, you may wonder how common it really is. More…

  • Peptic Ulcer Disease Peptic Ulcer Disease

    Peptic ulcer disease (also known as PUD) is a very common medical condition. Find out the facts about peptic ulcers, whether you are at risk for them, self-management techniques you can use, and when you should seek medical attention. More…

  • Detoxing: The Big Clean Detoxing: The Big Clean

    You may have heard of detoxing - a process to rid your body of the toxins you’ve built up from bad foods and the environment. But do you know what it involves? Registered dietitian and American Dietetic Association spokesperson Lisa Dorfman gives the details. More…

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