Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Sexual health plays a vital role in your overall health. At the same time, your mental, emotional and psychological well-being can dramatically affect your sexual life, in a variety of ways. Find all the information you need about sexual health on this channel.

Health Features

  • Bodies in Love Bodies in Love

    Love is something you feel… and, like everything else you feel, your body is involved in it from beginning to end. Your body lets you know when you’re in love, your body can be affected by love, and your body can even make loving more difficult. Find out more about your body in love. More…

  • Sex and Aging: Use It or Lose It! Sex and Aging: Use It or Lose It!

    Is your sex life deflating into middle age? For many couples, it’s related to the decreases in hormone levels that happen as we age. Find out how declining hormone levels can affect your relationship and sex life, and what you can do about it! More…

  • Sexual Healing Sexual Healing

    Want a better sex life? Many of us struggle with low desire, erection problems, or premature ejaculation. Find out how to overcome these problems and enjoy the sex life you've always wanted. More…

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexually Transmitted Infections

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is the new term for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STIs can lead to infertility, chronic pain, or cancer. In some cases, they can be fatal. Find out how to protect yourself, and what to do if you think you may have an STI. More…

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