Death and Dying

Death and Dying

This channel guides you through issues on death and dying, pain management, and grief, while using the approaches of palliative care to treat the body, mind, and spirit.

Health Features

  • Cancer and Chemotherapy Cancer and Chemotherapy

    One of the most common concerns about chemotherapy is the negative side effects. The type of side effects and their severity depend on the type and dose of chemotherapy, as well as how an individual reacts to the treatment. More…

  • Medication Management Medication Management

    Fitting your medications into a busy lifestyle can be a challenge. Here are some tips on managing your medications at home and while travelling. More…

  • Organ Donation: The Gift of Life Organ Donation: The Gift of Life

    Anywhere from 140 to 250 Canadians die each year while waiting for an organ transplant. Underlying this unfortunate statistic is the fact that Canada has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the industrialized world. And yet studies show about 50% of Canadians are unaware of what their loved ones wanted regarding organ and tissue donations. More…

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