Drug coverage details


Your drug benefits

Your drug plan covers drugs which legally require a prescription from a physician or dentist which are dispensed by a pharmacist or physician.


Note: If you are a Quebec resident over age 65, or if you are a surviving dependant of a Quebec resident over age 65, please refer to your benefits booklet to learn more about your drug coverage and RAMQ legistlation.

How much do you have to pay?

Your co-insurance is 80%.


Please note that if you elect to purchase a brand name drug(s), reimbursement will be based on the lower
price if a generic drug(s) are available.

Your drug plan does not contain an individual nor family deductible.

Dispensing fee for formulary drugs:

    Your plan covers pharmacy dispensing fees for formulary drugs up to a maximum of $8.00.

    table footer
    If your dispensing fee isThen you pay

    more than this maximum

    the portion of the fee that is greater than the maximum

    equal to or less than the maximum

    no dispensing fee

Dispensing fee for non-formulary drugs:

    Your plan covers pharmacy dispensing fees for non-formulary drugs up to a maximum of $8.00.

    table footer
    If your dispensing fee isThen you pay

    more than this maximum

    the portion of the fee that is greater than the maximum

    equal to or less than the maximum

    you do not pay the dispensing fee

Dispensing fee for over-the-counter drugs:

    Your plan covers pharmacy dispensing fees for over-the-counter drugs up to a maximum of $8.00.

    table footer
    If your dispensing fee isThen you pay

    more than the maximum

    the portion of the fee that is greater than the maximum

    equal to or less than the maximum

    no dispensing fee

Your plan limits the supply of the following drug types:

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Drug Category Limitations

Fertility drugs

Refer to the claim submission guidelines for information about completing and submitting the required pre-determination information for this benefit.


No coverage


No coverage


No coverage