H - Medications

  1. Habitrol (nicotine patch)
  2. Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (Liquid PedvaxHIB)
  3. Hair Regrowth Treatment (minoxidil topical solution)
  4. halobetasol propionate (Ultravate)
  5. haloperidol (Apo-Haloperidol, Haloperidol by Omega, Haloperidol by Sandoz, Teva-Peridol)
  6. Haloperidol by Omega (haloperidol)
  7. Haloperidol by Sandoz (haloperidol)
  8. Havrix (hepatitis A vaccine)
  9. Havrix Junior (hepatitis A vaccine)
  10. Hepalean (heparin)
  11. Hepalean-Lok (heparin)
  12. heparin (Hepalean, Hepalean-Lok, Heparin by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada Inc., Heparin by Sandoz Canada Incorporated, Heparin Leo, Heparin Lock Flush)
  13. Heparin by Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada Inc. (heparin)
  14. Heparin by Sandoz Canada Incorporated (heparin)
  15. Heparin Leo (heparin)
  16. Heparin Lock Flush (heparin)
  17. hepatitis A - typhoid vaccine (Vivaxim)
  18. hepatitis A vaccine (Avaxim, Havrix, Havrix Junior, Vaqta)
  19. hepatitis A vaccine - hepatitis B vaccine (Twinrix)
  20. hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix-B, Recombivax HB)
  21. Hepsera (adefovir)
  22. Heptovir (lamivudine (for hepatitis B))
  23. Herceptin (trastuzumab)
  24. Hexit (lindane)
  25. HP-Pac (lansoprazole - clarithromcyin - amoxicillin)
  26. Humalog (insulin lispro)
  27. Humalog Mix25 (insulin lispro mix)
  28. Humalog Mix50 (insulin lispro mix)
  29. human papillomavirus bivalent vaccine (Cervarix)
  30. human papillomavirus vaccine (Gardasil)
  31. Humatin (paromomycin)
  32. Humatrope (somatropin (Humatrope))
  33. Humira (adalimumab)
  34. Humulin (insulin regular (insulin Toronto))
  35. Humulin 30/70 (insulin premixed 30/70)
  36. Humulin-N (insulin NPH (insulin isophane))
  37. Hyalgan (hyaluronic acid)
  38. hyaluronic acid (Hyalgan)
  39. Hycamtin (topotecan)
  40. Hycodan (hydrocodone)
  41. Hycomine (hydrocodone - pyrilamine - phenylephrine - ammonium chloride)
  42. Hycort Retention Enema (hydrocortisone enema)
  43. Hyderm (hydrocortisone topical)
  44. hydralazine (Apo-hydralazine, Nu-Hydral)
  45. Hydrea (hydroxyurea)
  46. Hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide)
  47. hydrochlorothiazide (Apo-Hydro, Bio-Hydrochlorothiazide, Dom-Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Nu-Hydro, PMS-Hydrochlorothiazide, Teva-Hydrochlorothiazide)
  48. hydrocodone (Hycodan, pms-Hydrocodone)
  49. hydrocodone - phenylephrine (Novahistex DH, Novahistine DH, ratio-Coristex-DH)
  50. hydrocodone - pyrilamine - phenylephrine - ammonium chloride (Hycomine)
  51. hydrocortisone - framycetin - dibucaine - esculin (Proctol, Proctosedyl, ratio-Proctosone, Sandoz Proctomyxin HC)
  52. hydrocortisone - neomycin - polymyxin B - bacitracin compound (ointment) (Cortisporin Ointment)
  53. hydrocortisone - neomycin - polymyxin B compound (ear drops) (Cortisporin Otic Solution Sterile, Sandoz Cortimyxin Otic Solution, Spor-HC Otic Suspension)
  54. hydrocortisone - pramoxine cream and lotion (Pramox HC)
  55. hydrocortisone - pramoxine foam (Proctofoam-HC)
  56. hydrocortisone - urea (Dermaflex HC, Uremol HC)
  57. hydrocortisone - zinc sulfate (Anodan-HC, Anusol HC, Egozinc-HC, ratio-Hemcort-HC, Riva-Sol HC, Sandoz Anuzinc HC)
  58. hydrocortisone (tablets) (Cortef)
  59. hydrocortisone enema (Cortenema, Hycort Retention Enema)
  60. hydrocortisone rectal foam (Cortifoam)
  61. hydrocortisone topical (Cortate, Cortoderm, Emo Cort, Hyderm, Prevex HC, Sarna HC, Topiderm HC 2%)
  62. Hydromorph Contin (hydromorphone controlled-release)
  63. Hydromorph IR (hydromorphone)
  64. hydromorphone (Dilaudid, Hydromorph IR, Hydromorphone by Sandoz, Hydromorphone by Sorres Pharma Inc, PMS-Hydromorphone)
  65. Hydromorphone by Sandoz (hydromorphone)
  66. Hydromorphone by Sorres Pharma Inc (hydromorphone)
  67. hydromorphone controlled-release (Hydromorph Contin, Jurnista)
  68. hydroxychloroquine (Apo-Hydroxyquine, Mylan-Hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil, Pro-Hydroxyquine - 200)
  69. hydroxyurea (Apo-Hydroxyurea, Hydrea, Hydroxyurea by Sanis Health, Mylan-Hydroxyurea)
  70. Hydroxyurea by Sanis Health (hydroxyurea)
  71. Hydroxyzine (hydroxyzine)
  72. hydroxyzine (Apo-Hydroxyzine, Atarax Syrup, Hydroxyzine, Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Injection USP by Cytex, Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Injection USP by Sandoz, Nu-Hydroxyzine, PMS-Hydroxyzine, Riva-Hydroxyzin, Teva-Hydroxyzin)
  73. Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Injection USP by Cytex (hydroxyzine)
  74. Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Injection USP by Sandoz (hydroxyzine)
  75. hylan G-F 20 (Synvisc)
  76. hylan G-F 20 (Synvisc One) (Synvisc One)
  77. hyoscine (Buscopan, Hyoscine Butylbromide injection)
  78. Hyoscine Butylbromide injection (hyoscine)
  79. Hytrin (terazosin)
  80. Hyzaar (losartan - hydrochlorothiazide)
  81. Hyzaar DS (losartan - hydrochlorothiazide)

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).