Health Risk Assessment

To be healthy means thinking beyond your medical history. It means going beyond making doctors' appointments or getting your prescriptions filled. To be healthy means making smart choices everyday. It means being proactive, learning more about potential health risks, and planning ways to prevent them. And taking the Health Risk Assessment is a great way to get started!

What you need to know before you take the Health Risk Assessment

You'll be asked to answer about 100 questions which should take about 20 minutes. And you'll need to answer them all in one sitting.

Don't stress: It's for your health, so it's time well spent! Plus, each question was specifically chosen based on scientific evidence and reviewed by a team of healthcare professionals.

  • Complete the questionnaire and you will receive a personalized summary report. This will tell you how you measure up when it comes to 12 important health risk factors.
  • With those 12 risk factors assessed, you can then create your own unique plan of action. Based on your results, you may choose to outline specific goals for improving your health or make a personal pledge to change risky behaviours. And at the same time, congratulate yourself on the other dimensions of your health where you're doing well!

What you need to know after you take the Health Risk Assessment

  • Your results will be saved. That way you can return to redo your assessment, revisit goals, or update your answers based on actions you've taken to reduce your health risks.
  • You can always access your Health Risk Assessment results profile by simply logging-in on your homepage.

Before you begin, please read the conditions of use below and indicate your consent to these conditions by checking the box below. Then click "Take HRA" to begin your Health Risk Assessment.

Conditions of use: The information in the Health Risk Assessment is for informational purposes only and must not be used or relied upon for making a diagnosis or treatment decision. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a specific health and medical condition. The information on this site is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Speak to your healthcare professional before taking any product, changing your lifestyle, or beginning or discontinuing any course of treatment.

At Manulife, we recognize and respect the importance of your privacy. The health information you submit for this assessment will not be kept with any information that may reveal your identity.

From time to time, your plan sponsor (employer) may receive a summary report of the health risk assessments responses submitted by all employees. These summary reports are provided to help plan sponsors assess the overall health of their organizations and to develop programs and services to better serve their employees. Your responses may be combined with others to create these summary reports. The summary reports will not identify your specific responses.

By checking this box, you agree that you have read the Conditions of Use for the Health Risk Assessment and that you understand and accept them.