Related conditions
Agoraphobia (Social Phobia)
Alcohol Use (Alcoholism, Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Dependence)
Alzheimer's Disease (Senility, Senile Dementia)
Anxiety Disorders (Stress, Tension)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD)
Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression, Bipolar Affective Disorder)
Cyclothymic Disorder (Cyclothymia)
Dementia (Chronic Brain Syndrome, Organic Brain Syndrome, Senile Dementia)
Depression (Blues, Chronic Depression)
Dysthymic Disorder (Dysthymia, Depressive Neurosis)
Eating Disorders (Bulimia, Anorexia)
Insomnia (Sleep Disorders, Sleeping Disorder)
Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, Shell Shock)
Postpartum Depression (Postpartum Blues)
Schizophrenia (Psychosis, Psychotic Disorders)
Substance Use Problems (Drug Abuse, Addiction)


Everyone knows what it's like to get a headache. The all-too-familiar throbbing pain and nagging pressure can often strike when we're feeling stressed, tired, or emotionally upset. But there are ways to prevent and relieve headaches. Read on to get the "heads up" on head pain. And while you're at it, get tips on medicine cabinet cleaning - you probably need to get this off your chest!

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).