Crack the Colour Code for Healthy Eating

A healthy diet includes fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colours. Discover the nutritional benefits colour-coded into the fruits and veggies you eat - or should be eating - everyday.
The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables come in their own natural packaging of skins, shells, rinds, and peels, but they don't come with nutritional info labels. Find out what's so healthy about produce. read more >
Crack the fruit and veggie colour code
There's a rainbow of vegetables and fruits available, all ripe for the picking, and their colours can reveal their hidden nutritional rewards. read more >
10 ways to eat all across the rainbow
Fitting 7 to 10 servings of fruits or vegetables into your daily diet may seem like a stretch. Check out 10 tips for squeezing it all in. read more >
A shopping list for eating across the rainbow
Do you ever get to the store and just go blank? Just not sure what fruits and veggies you should try? Keep this guide handy next time you go and try to pick a few items from each colour group! read more >

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The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).