Workplace Health and Safety

Each year, over one million work-related injuries are reported in Canada. In 2009, there were 15.5 cases of work-related injuries per 1000 employed Canadians. What can you do to stay safe and healthy at work?
Are you at risk of injury?
Many people get hurt working at jobs that don't seem dangerous. There are many gradual or unexpected ways to damage your muscles, bones, or skin. read more >
Invisible health hazards
Just because you can't see it or feel it doesn't mean it can't hurt you. The air you breathe, the sounds you hear and even your interactions with other people can harm your health. read more >
When an injury happens
In spite of efforts at prevention, work-related injuries sometimes happen. When one does, don't just "get back to work" - take care of it right away. read more >
Keep your workplace safe
Whether you work in a shop, an office, or outdoors, you have rights and responsibilities to ensure that your workplace environment is safe. read more >

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).