Seasonal Affective Disorder

An estimated 2% to 3% percent of the general population suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that seems to be related to the amount of sunlight that you are exposed to. If you have episodes of depression that recur at the same time every year, for more than 2 years, you may have SAD.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Are the grey days of winter getting you down? Find out if your winter blues are a more serious condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). read more >
Shining light on SAD
If you have SAD, you don't have to feel down all winter. Find out how SAD is treated. read more >
Preventing episodes of SAD
Let the sunlight in! Learn how to prevent episodes of depression related to SAD. read more >
Managing holiday stress
How can you survive the holiday frenzy without feeling frazzled? read more >

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The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).