Organ Donation: The Gift of Life

About 200 Canadians die each year while waiting for an organ transplant. Underlying this unfortunate statistic is the fact that Canada has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the industrialized world. And yet studies show about 50% of Canadians are unaware of what their loved ones wanted regarding organ and tissue donations.
Giving life to others: Tani's gift
Tani Goodman died when he was 17, but he has given life to others. read more >
The need for donors
Right now, about 4,000 people in Canada are waiting for a solid-organ transplant The majority of these people are waiting for a kidney transplant. Yet Canada has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the industrialized world. read more >
Organ donation and religion
Is organ donation against your religion? Actually, most religions encourage it. read more >
Talk to your family about organ donation
Do you know your loved ones' wishes regarding organ donation? Only about half of Canadians do. But it's the family who decide whether to donate a deceased loved one's organs. read more >

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The information provided is for Canadian residents only. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. The information is meant to educate you on health related issues. Always discuss the information with your Physician or other qualified health care professional ("Physician") before acting on it. Never disregard or delay acting on any advice given to you by your Physician because of something you have read on this site. Always seek the advice of a Physician regarding any questions you have about your medical symptom(s), condition(s) and treatment(s).