Fad vs. Fat: Popular diets

You've read about them… You've seen the testimonials… You probably have friends who have lost several pounds on them. And they're popular - all those people can't be wrong, can they? Weight loss is healthy, right? So why shouldn't you go on one of the latest popular diet plans? What have you got to lose? Well, more than just weight, perhaps.
Fat vs. fiction: What diets work?
How can you tell the difference between a fad diet and a reliable one? read more >
What's the problem with quick weight loss?
Considering that some fad diets can really cause your weight to drop quickly and meet your goal faster, what's the problem with using them to lose weight? read more >
Carbs be gone?
One day they're in, the next day they're out again. But whether we're talking about Atkins or South Beach, low-carb diets are one kind of fad that never seems to die. read more >
The losing formula for your weight
Sure there's no magic bullet for easy weight loss. But the winning - er, losing - formula isn't as complicated as you may think. read more >

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