Part 1: Why Sell Travel Insurance?

You already know your destination: The Sale. But is the journey to this exotic locale a trip worth taking?
Absolutely. First of all, if you're not already selling travel insurance, this is a whole new way of making commissions.

1. The Conference Board of Canada: Outbound Canada - Canadian Travel Health Insurance Survey Results May 2012

2. International Federation of Health Plans, 2011 Comparative Price Report - Medical and Hospital Fees by Country.




The growing need for travel insurance

  • 57% of Canadians aged 18-29 are unlikely to be covered by private travel insurance.1 Make sure clients in this age group know the value and protection that Manulife Financial Travel Insurance can provide.
  • The average out-of-pocket cost per hospital stay in the United States in 2011 was $15,734.2 Uninsured visitors to Canada can spend over $2,000 per day on a hospital stay.3 Travel insurance can protect against these costs.
  • When traveling abroad, some countries require proof of travel insurance, so it may be mandatory for your clients when they visit countries like Cuba, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland.4 Plus, if clients wait to purchase insurance at their destination, it may not cover many essential benefits. So it's wise to purchase travel insurance before travelling to any country.
  • Many cruise ships also require travel insurance.5

Once you know the "why" you can move on to the "what." What product does your client need?

Insurance for Travelling Canadians Insurance for Visitors to Canada