
Request a disability claims listing

This field must be completed.

Order a standard report

You can order a standard report that includes:

  • information about all divisions
  • summary information for Long Term Disability Claims
  • for the last 12 months

The results of this one-time report will be returned in one business day.

Or order a customized report

Long Term Disability  
Short Term Disability 

Report Frequency

Run One Time Only 
Run One Time Only

Choose the date range that the report should cover:

Schedule a report to repeat regularly
Results by Report Frequency
Results Cumulative

Notification Options

Yes No This field must be completed.

Information on the disability reports

What does this report show?

A detailed list of paid short and long-term disability claim payments by claimant

How can I use it?

To identify the claim details for each short and long-term disability claimant, such as:

  • Which employees are on claims
  • The amount of their claim payments
  • When their benefits commenced
  • When their benefit will terminate

The report is available in two formats:

  • Summary - which provides total claim payments by month for the period, with no claimant details, or
  • Detailed - which contains specific claim details for each claimant

What date do you want this report to run on?

If you require a one-time report to be run on a future date, enter the date in this field. For example, you require a report for a future period. Note that the run date must be later than the report period.

Run One Time Only

One-time reports are single report requests that are run once. Use a one-time report request for a "one-off" report that you do not need on a regular basis.

Schedule a report to repeat regularly

Repeated reports are reports run on a regular pre-defined frequency based on the plan's policy year. Use a repeated report request for a report that is required on a regular basis, for instance to track experience, identify trends, or conduct divisional or benefit analysis on a recurring basis.

Scheduled report options

The scheduled report option determines how the report results are accumulated:

  • Results by report frequency - the results are for the period of the report only. E.g. for the month or quarter only.
  • Results cumulative - the results are cumulative for the policy year-to-date, e.g. the second quarter report contains results from the first and second quarter.