Plan for life

Building blocks to saving

Why would I want to spend precious time learning about investing?

Because someday you’ll want to stop working for a living and do something else.
But you don’t need to be a financial expert. You just need the Building blocks.

Saving your money

There are savings plans for the short and long term. Plans to suit different goals, plans to suit your income, your employment situation, your family situation, tax considerations...There are Government plans, workplace group plans, and individual plans.

Growing your money

Each type of plan we looked at is not just about putting money away, but growing it as well to provide you with a retirement income, or to fund whatever it is you’re saving up for.

Getting your money

As you near retirement, you’ll need to start thinking about how to convert your savings into income, so that you can get the most out of your various savings and investment plans, ensuring a comfortable retirement income while keeping your taxes low.