Group Retirement Solutions      

ABC Company Policy number: 22222222
Registered Retirement Savings Plan

Setting Up a CAP

Guideline - Policy regarding failure to make investment choices

The CAP plan sponsor should establish a policy that outlines what happens if a plan member does not make an investment choice.

What criteria did you use to select your plan's default investment? (View your plan's default investment)
(Check all that apply)

Include any other criteria you used to select your plan's default investment.

TIP - Use the Member Investment Direction report to track how many plan members have not made investment choices. You can access this report from the 'Reporting' section on the main left menu.

Has the default investment been communicated to plan members?

If yes, you can record below how you communicated the default investment to plan members.
If no, you can record below your plans for how to communicate the default investment to plan members.

How does Manulife help you meet this guideline?

Last review date of the plan's default investment: Reviewed By