Group Retirement Solutions      

ABC Company Policy number: 99999999
Registered Pension Plan

Investment information

As of June 30, 2014

The following returns are the gross returns for the investments available in your plan. The investment names below are links to detailed individual fund pages.

All numbers shown are expressed as a percentage(%)
    Investment       3m   6m   1yr*   2yr*   3yr*   4yr*   5yr*

Canadian Money Market
  3132 ML Canadian Money Market       1.3   2.5   4.8   4.5   4.0   3.6   3.5

Fixed Income
  4131 ML Canadian Bond Fund       2.8   5.2   5.0   5.6   5.3   5.1   6.2

  5171 ML SEAMARK Balanced       -0.4   -2.2   -0.5   3.9   6.8   6.5   9.4

Canadian Large Cap Equity
  7131 ML Cdn Lrg Cap Value Eqty       -6.0   -8.8   -3.5   2.8   10.0   13.1   17.7

Global Equity
  8161 ML MB Global Equity       -3.7   -5.9   -12.2   -0.3   3.9   3.1   8.0

* Returns are annualized

Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Returns are provided where enough history exists.