Email us

Send a note

Please send us your questions and we will do our best to respond within two business days after hearing from you.

Using the drop-down lists below, select the exact plan contract and division relating to your question. This will help us to respond faster.

General Inquiry
about your group policy
Internet Site Inquiry
about how any of the site's features work
Inquiry about a specific Member
Extended Health Care benefit
Dental benefit
Our records about coverage for this member and any dependants
Please enter your question
  • Manulife keeps a copy of all notes sent, and routinely reviews your notes history before providing a response to a new inquiry. There is no need to copy and paste previous notes history into the text box above.
  • If you are attempting to make a coverage or status change to a member's record and do not have access to make these changes directly on the site, please use the application for change form to ensure you are providing all the required information for the change to be effected.
How should we respond to your inquiry?
Email :

Home Phone :

Business Phone :

No Response is required