The impact of fees

Whenever you invest in a fund, you pay fees. In a group plan, they’re generally referred to as Investment Management Fees (IMF). When you invest on your own, the fees that are charged are known as a Management Expense Ratio (MER). These fees are deducted from a fund’s assets and reduce the fund’s return. This calculator looks at the impact that these fees can have on your investment earnings over the long run.

Assuming an investment makes a 6% return (before fees), compare the impact two different fee % can have by changing the annual savings amount and the number of years of saving.

Compare the impact of fees over the long term.

-.- fee:
-.- fee:
Total difference:
Years of saving Years Saved 40

Slide the Years of saving tab above to compare the impact of fees over the long term.

Over a span of 40 years, you would earn an additional $55,900 by paying % less in fees.

The information contained in this tool is for illustration purposes only. Manulife, or any of its affiliated companies, is not liable for its accuracy.