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Conservative investor style

As a conservative investor, protecting your money is your most important concern. You may be approaching retirement, or simply prefer to preserve your money and take a cautious approach to investing.

Suggested asset class mix for a conservative investor

This pie chart represents a sample fund portfolio for a conservative investor. When building your own portfolio, as a conservative investor, your asset class mix may consist of the following:

Moderate investor style

As a moderate investor, you want your money to grow but are more concerned about protecting it. With retirement in your near future, you prefer to be cautious with your investments and preserve your money.

Suggested asset class mix for a moderate investor

This pie chart represents a sample fund portfolio for a moderate investor. When building your own portfolio, as a moderate investor, your asset class mix may consist of the following:

Balanced investor style

As a balanced investor, you want a balance between your money's growth and its security, although you will accept some risk to have the potential for higher returns over time.

Suggested asset class mix for a balanced investor

This pie chart represents a sample fund portfolio for a balanced investor. When building your own portfolio, as a balanced investor, your asset class mix may consist of the following:

Aggressive investor style

As an aggressive investor, you want to maximize the long-term growth of your retirement savings. You understand the ups and downs of the markets and are comfortable taking a lot of risk to maximize potential returns. You have plenty of time to wait out market cycles until you retire.

Suggested asset class mix for an aggressive investor

This pie chart represents a sample fund portfolio for an aggressive investor. When building your own portfolio, as an aggressive investor, your asset class mix may consist of the following: