This step will take you about 10 minutes to complete. You will need to provide some personal and financial information, and details about your current retirement savings. You'll be asked if you want to include your spouse's retirement income and savings, and to choose a lifestyle scenario that best describes your retirement expectations.
This step will take you about 5 minutes to complete. You'll need to answer eight questions to determine your investor style. During the enrolment process, you will use your investor style to help you choose the funds you will invest in.
This step will take you about 5 minutes to complete. The information you provided in Steps 1 and 2 is used to create your estimated personal retirement income summary. This summary suggests the approximate amount of savings you will need to achieve your retirement income goal. You also receive immediate feedback on your estimated goal - find out whether you are on track or get suggestions for changes you may need to make.
If you have already set a retirement goal, the information you entered will be displayed. You can review and change your goal at anytime in the Manulife secure website. |