Group Retirement Solutions      

ABC Company Policy number: 22222222
Registered Retirement Savings Plan

Section 5970 Report on Controls Placed in Operation and Tests of the Operating Effectiveness of Controls

On an annual basis, Manulife Group Savings and Retirement Solutions (GSRS) and GSRS' external auditors produce a Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Section 5970 Report on Controls Placed in Operation and Tests of the Operating Effectiveness of Controls.

The Report will only be available as a paper booklet due to the detailed level of description of controls and processes that are audited under the CICA Section 5970 Standard.

GSRS' clients may request a copy of the Section 5970 Report for use by their internal financial professionals or their external auditors. Numbered copies will be released upon provision of a signature confirming that the information will be treated as proprietary and will not be duplicated or shared (other than with their auditor for audit purposes).

To order a copy of the Section 5970 Report on Controls Placed in Operation and Tests of the Operating Effectiveness of Controls, please click the link below.

View and Print the Order Form for a Section 5970 Report