Group Retirement Solutions      

Enroll a member Getting started

ABC Company Policy number: 22222222
Registered Retirement Savings Plan
Please complete the enrolment information below.
All items with an asterisk (*) must be completed. Help

*Manulife Financial requires a signed enrolment form for all Plan members. Select one option.
The Plan Administrator will forward the enrolment form, as completed and signed by the plan member, to Manulife Financial.
Manulife Financial will send an Enrolment Action Form to the Plan member for verification and signature.

Select an enrolment type:* Member or Spousal member

Member information:

Last name of member:*
First name:* Middle initial:
Member number:*
Date of birth:*
Day: Month: Year: (yyyy)
Male Female S.I.N.:* - -
Marital status:
Preferred language:* English French
Service start date:
Day: Month: Year: (yyyy)
Plan entry date:*
Day: Month: Year: (yyyy)

Contributor information:

Complete this section only if this is a spousal member enrolment.
Last name of contributor:*
First name:* Middle initial:
Date of birth:*
Day: Month: Year: (yyyy) S.I.N.:* - -
* Must be completed to proceed.