All contribution categories |
Percentage |
3132 - ML Canadian Money Market a6 |
5% |
4131 - ML Canadian Bond Fund k7 |
15% |
7171 - ML SEAMARK Canadian Equity k6 |
40% |
7122 - ML MMF Growth Opportunities k7 |
10% |
8191 - ML U.S. Equity a6 |
18% |
8192 - ML International Equity k9 |
12% |
I understand that the investment performance of amounts directed to a pooled or segregated fund is not guaranteed.
Review your investments regularly |
Just like your annual checkup with your doctor, you should do a "retirement checkup" each year. Get in the habit of reviewing your investment choices and the amount you're saving at least once a year. You may find over time that your risk tolerance and investment goals change.
You can move your money between investments and change where your new money will be invested - online anytime, at no charge! |