Health Tools

Try our collection of calculators and self-assessment tools to measure your health and wellness. These toools are a quick and easy way to assess your health. Simply enter a few values and hit calculate for instant results.

  • Nutrition Guide : This nutrition guide explains various food groups.
  • Stress Quiz : Stress is a fact of life. It can come from any life change or unexpected event, even a happy one such as a promotion. Do our quiz to find the best way for you to handle stress.
  • Stroke Risk Assessment Quiz : In Canada, there are about 55,000 strokes a year. Do you know your risk level for having a stroke? Find out with this quiz.
  • Target cholesterol levels and heart disease risk calculator
  • Cold or Flu Calculator : The flu is a respiratory (i.e., nose, throat and lung) infection that can be caused by a variety of influenza viruses. Many people use the word "flu" when they actually have a cold. Although the common cold is also caused by viruses, the flu and common cold differ in several ways. Can you tell the difference? Test your knowledge!
  • Baby Due Date Calculator : It's important to know when your baby is due, and not just so you can plan your work leave (and baby shower) in advance. If a pregnancy goes past the due date, medical intervention such as induced labour or a cesarean section may be necessary. Find out when your baby is due!
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