Health and Dental FLEX BENEFIT Decision Assistant

Health and Dental Flex Benefit Decision Assistant

This Decision Assistant Tool is designed to help you think about what level of health and dental benefits are right for you. It allows you to estimate your out-of-pocket expenses compared to the costs or credits of each level of coverage.

Please note, the flex credits available to you in this tool are based on the assumption that you have completed your Health Risk Assessment (HRA).

Please enter your valid plan contract number.
What do you need to know before you start?

You can use the ‘Search my claims’ feature on the plan member secure website to review your prior claims usage.

This tool allows you to try different scenarios to determine the impact of unexpected expenses.

The personal information entered in this tool will not be stored and will be deleted once you close your session.


Once the enrolment period begins, you will still need to make your benefit selections through the online enrolment tool on the Manulife Plan Member Secure Site. This Decision Assistant tool is only a guide, and does not include costs for Optional Insurances, which require an additional payroll deduction.

Please enter your details here:

Please enter your name.

Please enter your dependants’ names and indicate their desired coverage:

Unsure who qualifies as a dependant?
Please enter your dependants’ names.
Select what type of coverage you want for this dependant.

Please enter your estimated annual health expenses for 2017

Use your actual claim costs from 2015 as a guide only.


Health total $0
Dental total $0

Health Results for Jane & Family based on your entered estimates

Please select your desired health plan:

Option 1

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:

Option 2

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:

Option 3

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:
Please select a plan to continue.
Health total
Dental total

Please enter your estimated annual dental expenses for 2017

Use your actual claim costs from 2015 as a guide only.


Health total $0
Dental total $0

Dental Results for Jane & Family based on your entered estimates

Please select your desired dental plan:

Option 1

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:

Option 2

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:

Option 3

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:
Please select a plan to continue.
Health total $0
Dental total $0

You selected the following plans:

Option 2 Health Plan

Option 1

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:
Option 3 Dental Plan

Option 1

Expenses paid by Vale:

Out of pocket expenses:
Payroll deduction:
Your total annual cost:
Health total $0
Dental total $0